🚧 Contributing to HomeworkTool 🚧

Want to contribute to HomeworkTool.com? This page details the steps required to do so. You will learn basic information about Git, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, web servers, and localhost.

  1. Download the Code
  2. Run the Code on your Computer
  3. Make your Change
  4. Submit your Change

1. Download the Code

All of the code for HomeworkTool is available online here. To contribute, you need to pull this code onto your personal computer. HomeworkTool uses a version control system, called Git.

  1. Download the Github Desktop app.
  2. Click 'File' then 'Clone repository...'. Search for Schallerwf/HomeworkTool. Select your destination folder for the code and click Clone.

The code is now on your computer.

2. Run the Code on your Computer

Open HomeworkTool in a file browser and run the server app for your system. windowsServer.bat on windows, macServer.sh on mac.

You will see a window pop up and say something like Serving HTTP on :: port 8000 (http://[::]:8000/). Now in your web browser, type localhost:port into the address, and replace port with whatever your computer used, 8000 in this example. You are now looking at the local version of HomeworkTool

3. Make your Change

To modify code, you need a text editor. There are a lot to chose from, however, Sublime Text is a great choice (you can use it for free).

In your text editor open the HomeworkTool folder that was created in step #1 above.

Try making a change to existing HTML pages, and refresh them in your browser through localhost. They should change. If you change CSS, you may need to hard refresh to see the changes take effect.

4. Submit your Change

After you edit, add, or remove code you need to submit your changes for review. If your changes are approved they will be merged into the main HomeworkTool.com branch and your changes will go live on the website!

Open the Git desktop app and ensure the current repository is set to HomeworkTool. You should see a list of your changes. In the bottom left, provide a summary of what you changed, and click 'Commit to main'.

You're done! Was anything above confusing or broken? Then you should edit this page and submit your improvements so that the next folks to come along benefit from your help.

Now what?

Check out the list of requested features and build whatever is interesting to you!

Frequently Asked Questions 🤔

What language is HomeworkTool using?

HomeworkTool is made up of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML is the structure, it tells the browser where elements are and what values they hold. CSS is the style, it tells the browser what color, font, size, things should be. JavaScript is a programming language where we can write algorithms that look at the users input, run algorithms, and output the results onto the web page.

HomeworkTool is static, meaning it does not need to talk to a server other than loading the HTML/CSS/Javascript. There is no backend.